
Sweetness Incarnate

A sweet Miqo'te woman who has a passion for baking, fashion, and helping those in need in whatever way she can. She works as both a fashion designer/seamstress of fairly impressive talent and making specialized candles and incenses that are meant to help promote peaceful sleep or a number of other useful things. A happy wife, fiance, mother of two sets of twins (one set she birthed), step-mother to triplets, and girlfriend to multiple wonderful people, she's quite happy and content in her life and looks forward to what the future brings.

Basic Information

Name: Cetah
Nicknames: Kitten, Little Blue, lil' flower, Lemoncake
Age: Young Adult
Race: Faerie who typically appears as a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te. She is a shape shifter, so sometimes can be seen as other races but she deems her miqo form as her most 'true' form and usually sticks to it. Can be seen with or without wings.
Nameday: 30th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (12/30)
Gender: Technically genderfluid, but prefers to keep to a feminine form and she/her pronouns. Even in masculine form she'd prefer they/them or she/her over he/him.
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a fairly heavy lean towards masculine people
Relationship Status: Taken (Polyamorous Relationship. Married to one person, engaged to another, and dating a few others)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Patron Deity: Primarily Menphina, but offers reverence to most of the deities in general, thanking them for their guidance over all.
Profession: Tailor/Fashion designer and Candle/Incense Maker
Languages: Eorzean Common, Sign Language, a few phrases/words in Meracydian, fairly basic understanding of Doman and working to learn more, and an innate ability to understand body language of noises of most animals and beastmen.
Birthplace: Somewhere deep in the Black Shroud
Residence: A large house in the Lavender Beds that she lives in with her wife, children, and a couple of her other partners as well as her adoptive mother and sister. She also has a secret forest hideaway that serves as her connection to the forest
Server/Data Center: Will provide upon private request
In Character Classes: Cetah is a very strong magic user in general, and as such excels at just about any of the magic based classes. However she's heavily a healer at heart and tends to lean towards the healing classes above all, with Scholar and White Mage being the highest on that list. That said, she can pick up on just about any school of magic with relative ease.
Out of Character Classes: Typically any of the melee physical classes tend to cause her the most trouble, so seeing her as any tank class or things such as monk or ninja are the most unlikely and she'd have to have a very good reason to have decided to take up any of them over her normal preference of magical means. So if you happen to see her running around in game as any of these classes it is because of OOC reasons.



Hair: Light Blonde with Indigo Blue tips, and while she'll change it up from time to time, as of late she leaves it hanging down, long and fluffy to her lower back with some curls here and there.
Eyes: Bright blue
Height: Presenting Race dependent, though almost always below minimum height for whatever race it is. (around 4'5" as her normal Miqo'te self, though it does fluctuate a little at times)
Build: Petite
Distinguishing Features: small beauty mark under left eye, typically has on blue makeup on eyes and lips. Traditional white keeper markings on face. Tail is exceptionally long fluffy (far more so then the game model). She's also taken to showing her wings in public more of late, which often switch between different looks depending on her mood or perhaps even just to match with her attire for the day (generally they are always blue, though.)
General Fashion Tastes: The style of clothing she wears regularly changes, as she finds great joy in all the different fashion styles the world has to offer and is always up for mixing and matching and generally trying out different things. That said, it's clear the girl has a color preference in the fact she is almost always wearing blue! Typically dark blue but occasionally with lighter hues. Gold is a common accompanying color with it, though occasionally pops of brighter colors make their way into her pallet.
Notable Accessories: She is typically seen with some sort of head adornment, often floral, and cute dangly earrings of some nature. She rarely wears hats that fully cover her head, or at least go over either of her ears. She is almost never seen without her collar with the cat clasp around her neck and a set of rings on her left hand, one of which is attached to a leaf patterned wristlet.
No matter the race she chooses to present herself as Cetah is a very short woman, with pale but healthy skin unblemished by any sort of scaring. Between her lack of height and fairly petite frame she can be seen as a little frail looking, though that does not seem to keep her from going out and about and living her life day to day so she might just be more sturdy then anyone gives her credit for. Or just really lucky. Anyone's call, really. In general Cetah comes off as a girl who cares a lot about her appearance in the way she dresses and carries herself, and she almost always has an infectiously sweet smile to share with those she meets.


Positive Qualities: very caring, kind, sweet, giving, altruistic, a keen learner, incredibly energetic, positive attitude towards life
Negative Qualities: Somewhat naive to certain things, far too trusting and forgiving, perhaps a little too excitable at times, can be a little overly needy at times, prone to pouting
Cetah is a genuinely sweet girl who would do just about anything to make the people she cares about happy and make sure they are safe and whole. An incredibly soft hearted girl who is always happy to meet new people and experience new things, though she can seem a bit shy at times specially when first getting to know someone or when being around too many people at once.Due to various factors she led a very sheltered life until her early adulthood, and as such she is still somewhat coming out of that shell and fully finding herself in multiple different ways. She's happier then she's ever been and just likes to share that joy with those around her.


Hobbies: Sewing/Tailoring - Baking - Making Candles/incenses - Seeing new places - Reading - Meeting new people
Vices: She doesn't drink, smoke, or do any sort of drugs. So if it's anything it's probably just that she eats far too many sweets!
Likes: fashion, sweets (candies, pastries, you name it), tea of all types (though her favorite is Honey Lavender), pretty much anything floral, the color blue, cute things in general (animals, plushies, dresses, shoes, people, really anything if it's cute she likes it, lol), healing, helping people, feeling needed, hugs and cuddles, spending time with friends, romantic stories (total hopeless romantic here), books and reading in general, and living life to the fullest.
Dislikes: Bitter tasting things, violence without any purpose, wasted food, people who only ever complain about their problems but do not try to do anything to change them, feeling as if she's inadequate in some way, really rough/scratchy fabrics.
Fears: Failing someone she cares about when they need her most, being completely trapped somewhere with no way out

Special Abilities

As a fae creature Cetah has a few particular abilities that can crop up in RP.Dream Walking
Due to her fae blood Cetah has a strong connection with the dream and as such is a expert lucid dreamer and capable of using magic to help others in the dream, up to and including actually bringing them into the dream and helping them to lucid dream themselves. She often uses this power to help others, serving as a form of therapy and helping her clients resolve deep rooted mental illness or maladies through cleansings of sorts in their dreamscapes where it comes out subconsciously.
Shape Shifting
Cetah is able to change her physical appearance whether it's just small changes to how she looks or changing her completely body makeup to other races or gender presentations. The larger the shift the longer it takes for her to change back, though, as it takes quite a lot of aether to make these changes.
One of the odd side effects of this magic is that whenever she gets too upset, startled, or scared, she will turn into a literal small fluffy cat akin to a ragdoll cat and can often be stuck in that form for hours if not days at a time depending on what caused it.Plant Magic
It started as a bit of a side effect whenever Cetah used magic (specially dream magic) where flowers and other plant life would sprout around her. Recently she's taken to practicing summoning them directly herself to use in defense for herself and those around her or other reasons, though it's still in it's early stages of perfecting.


Below are various pictures I've received of Cetah or have taken of her in game. Enjoy!

Char References

work in progress, check back later!

Artwork (Current Appearance)

Artist Credits in order of appearance:
Julieta__Sophia) - lizzybats - Bunitty - Melumii

Artwork (Older Appearances)

Artist Credits in order of appearance:
Pepperfish - Lines by evangatoArts and colors by me - totallynotsebo - contresixted x3 - mrfinalfantasy - Jetsharkdragon - CatmenAssemble - amahrigold - Rumiiya_Vinn - Bunitty - Malachi - lizzybats x3 - AmaurotLilac - SmolWol x4 - Birthday - Hina - Scruhie - Vasirii - RupertQT -Exeidur -PiersNivans - LizLoveLie x2 - Me (the Mun) x4

Shippy Art

Artist Credits in order of appearance:
contresixted - redmaging - lizzybats - sonhogentil

Screenshots (Current Appearance)

Screenshots (Older Appearances)

Shippy Screens

Roleplay Information

Looking For

The following is what I'm most looking for in regards to this character and roleplay.

  • Friendship of just about any nature

  • Tea party pals

  • Clients for her tailoring and/or therapy candle/incenses

  • Other parents to set up playdates with their kiddos!

  • Interactions with NPC characters

  • Romantic Ships with chemistry (she's not actively seeking, but if it happens it happens)

Normal Haunts

The following are the places you can most likely find this character.

  • Lavendar Beds - As her apartment is located here, she can often be found wandering around the area on her off time.

  • Gridania and The Black Shroud - Having grown up in this region and calling it home, it's not hard to find her just about anywhere within it's realm.

  • Ishguard - Ishguard is a very special place for her, both because of people from there who have touched her life greatly as much as she just genuinely loves the aesthetic of the city and being there. While the Shroud will always be her home, Ishguard and Coerthas is definitely her home away from home.

  • Ul'dah - For a short time Cetah had an apartment in the Goblet, and as such had grown a small fondness for the desert city, and as such is happy to go back and visit from time to time.

  • Just About Anywhere - Depending on the reason she really can be found just about anywhere, whether it's traveling just to travel, going somewhere with a loved one, or seeking out ingredients for any number of things she'd need them for, I can usually find a reason to put her somewhere even if it's not a normal place for her to be.

RP Hooks

The following are some possible RP Hooks we can plot off of for our characters to meet/interact with each other! I am always open to other suggestions though should you think of any, just let me know!

  • Sit and Chat a while Cetah is always looking for new friends! She looks a good conversation and hearing someone tell her about their lives or their adventures or really anything. She's a friendly girl in all regards and gets along well with most types, at least she tries to!

  • Tea Party, anyone? Cetah loves to have guests over and share conversation of fashion, cute things, and everything else over a cup of tea and a variety of sweets! She'd love to make friends with fellow tea lovers were they can share their thoughts about whatever may come to mind that day.

  • Fashion Assistance, please! Does that ripped tunic have you feeling down? Those holey trousers got you red as a tomato? Need some help repairing those beloved garments of yours that you just can't let go of, or perhaps want someone to help you with some new attire? Perhaps you just want to add something new to your wardrobe or need a new outfit for a special outing? All of that and more are things Cetah is more than happy to help with!

  • Please help me to Dream Is your character experiencing trouble with sleeping? Whether that's not being able to sleep, sleeping too much, or struggling with bad dreams, or any other number of sleep related issues, Cetah can likely help! Please reach out for a consultation at any time and see what this little fae can do for you!

  • Magical Beings Like Me Is your character also a fae? Perhaps a dragon? A yokai? Some other sort of magical being that would be able to sniff out their own? Cetah has only met a few other magical beings up to this point and is certainly happy to meet more going forward, specially as she learns more about what and who she really is.

OOC Information


  • Time Zone: Eastern US (EST)

  • Active Hours: In-game: 7pm-12am ET Sunday through Thursday, most all day Fri and Sat, though you'll likely see me online earlier in the day just idling while I'm at work. Sometimes I am on other chars as well since she's not the only one I play.

  • Preferred place to RP: In-game and discord are both welcomed (ask for discord once we've gotten to know each other some, I do not give it until I'm comfortable.) In-Game is my main preference with discord good for continuations or if in-game scheduling is proving difficult.

OOC/RP Guidelines

  • While I am open to RPing with muses of any age, romantic and nsfw content will only be with muns and muses both 18+

  • Avoid metagaming at all, please. All information in this profile is meant for OOC purposes only, and not to be used IC unless your character might know part of it.

  • While I can be a pretty robust writer, I do try to match my partners. So if you want long posts from me, then give me long posts in return. Short posts get short responses. Simple enough.

  • I am comfortable with darker themes (violence, sex, drugs, etc) and am just fine RPing them out as long as they make sense to the story being told between our characters. Any particular heavy themes I would prefer to discuss OOCly first before anything happens ICly.

  • I am not one to really judge too harshly on lore bending, since I do it myself, but if you are completely breaking the lore of the game I may politely decline RPing with you, though wish you all the best in having fun your own way otherwise!

  • OOC and IC are not the same, nor should they ever be treated as such. Anything my character says or does will not always reflect me as the player. I ask that all that I RP with keep this in mind and know how to keep the two separate! No drama please, I'm just here to play barbies with friends and have a good time, yeah?

  • I enjoy all types of RP. Combat, adventure/exploration, bar crawls, casual chatter, romantic, friendly, whatever. I like to see my characters thrive in all walks of their life and enjoy playing out just about anything there is to be played out. If you're looking for a particular type of RP don't hesitate to ask and let's see if we can't make something happen!

  • Please note, that while I enjoy romantic RP and am not opposed to sexual RP I am not looking to live vicariously through my characters. I am not interested in dating you nor am I wanting to cyber with you, no matter what our characters themselves may be getting up to.

  • If you wish to ship with Cetah (should the possible chemistry be there), please be aware of the fact she is polyamorous and is happily married to her wife and has multiple boyfriends. If your character isn't the type to want to share, unfortunately Cetah will not be the one for them.

  • I am very into taking screenshots and take a lot of inspiration from RPs I do to make them, so if you'd like me to do that with our muses do let me know and I'll be sure to keep our RPs in mind when looking for gpose inspiration!

  • Cetah is not my only muse, though she is my main one. She tends to get preference over the rest, but if you are ever interested in other chars of mine and may want to RP with them instead please feel free to give them a look here and see if anyone catches your interest!